CoLab Workspace
Petraki 28, Syntagma, Athens
Dear Startup Weekend idea founders
With Startup Weekend 2012 over and now that you’ve had a full week to recover from the marathon 54hr session, we as co-organisers as well as the mentors and sponsors would like to offer all our support in helping you take your ideas to the next stage. We’re having a follow up session for all teams and we’d like you and your team to attend.
The Place
The follow up session will be at CoLab Athens, 28 Petraki Str, Syntagma on Monday 20 February from 18:30 onwards.
The structure
The event will have an un-conference character, so be prepared to discuss your idea with all the other participants and mentors there. We’re all here to help each other move forward. Let’s get the energy moving again.
The preparation
Be prepared and go through your notes to find actionable items that you need help with. Keep in mind that we all need get the most out of it. We’re inviting all the mentors and some key people who will help us on our journey. Be prepared and be there!
See you there